Thursday, October 10, 2013

With Or Without Make-Up, What's In A Face?

Too much make-up, too much FaceBook, too many posers, too many schmoozers, too many teleprompting politicians - has the whole human world become some sick joke? I mean is this all the better anyone can do? Shouldn't someone invent a new start-up and call it "fake book" just to make everyone look? Look at what you ask?

Make them look in their mirrors at how silly all this nonsense really is. "Call Me, text me, we should talk," she said dressed in red, carrying a little white dog in her purse, as she checked her messages to see if Paris Hilton had posted what her drop kick dog had for breakfast that day - so important, otherwise how would anyone know what to feed their pouched pooch.

"Pop Tarts" well now she knew, but it was time to change into blue, run to the store and pick up a package of Kelloggs toaster pastries, and off she went, her dog after all had to eat, even though that day the ground would never touch it's tender feet. Taking digital pictures as she drove to mobilely paste on her social networking page, checking her make-up in the rearview mirror, what fine foundation, lipstick, mascara, and toner, but why bother taking a digital picture as she blew right through the red-light camera system at the last intersection, she can always look at it later in court?

Late for class, late to the dance, she'll never make it through college, like she'd have a chance. Sure she has decent grades and known to compete, but her real secret is flirting with the nerdy guys so she can cheat. Is that how she'll get through life, OMG, just think someday she'll be someone's wife? Then she'll be his problem and he'll be hers, their lives are nearly the same, plastic lives, hyperbolic multi-taskers without shame.

It's hard to imagine such a couple with kids, although who has to imagine it, you can see it all online, they've posted every semi-original thought they've ever had all three of them, pictures of friends and family, sights and songs, partial private parts along with all of their 5,541 digital friends of which 14.9% are not even real people, like any of their real friends are anyway. They can't stop now they must spend the 3-4 hours a day to keep up, no time to work, what will their friends think if they don't text back?

Yes, one could ask if it even matters whether you wear make-up or not, Photoshop can do the trick, after all what in a face, quick click here, click there, like this, like that, but does anyone really care?

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